‘your horse matters'
The Mega Ark Fleet
The 30 year anniversary of CHT will be celebrated with several innovative projects to maintain & improve our tradition of service & Animal Welfare. The “MEGA ARK III” has been commissioned and joins the Mega Ark Fleet to help take CHT to the next-generation in horse transport logistics and if that is not enough the MEGA ARK II has also been given a major face-lift and re-furbish as part of our celebrations. We are excited to be able to celebrate 30 years of moving your horses across Australia and the World. As a result of 30 years experience in long haul transport for horses, a great deal of information has beengathered and strategies implemented to reduce stress and improve the way in which a horse arrives at the end of their journey.

The MEGA ARK Fleet is a culmination of these ideas and as part of our next-generation innovations we have fitted the fleet with GPS tracking and fleet management systems making CHT the only horse transport company offering a completely transparent transport solution. What this means is that we are able to provide you with a ‘real time’ satellite report of exactly what time your horse got on a Mega Ark, where it is at any given time,the exact route it has taken with times and speeds at which it has travelled, who was driving, where and for how long it has rested en-route and what time it has arrived at its destinations.
Other features of the Mega Ark Fleet include:
- Large individual stalls
- Stainless steel feed and water bins
- Self-draining rubberised floors
- Anti-hip and tail rub partitions and back walls
- Swinging suspended rubber in partitions between horses
- Insulated walls and false roof
- Advanced fan and ventilation system
- Access to ALL horses at any time
- Inbuilt flood lights for nite loading
- Video surveillance system
- All moving parts are nylon bushed to prevent rattle and injury
- Fully adjustable partitions for large or difficult travellers
- On board fodder storage and fresh water supply
- Oversized air bag suspension with mega 19.5 wheels. The larger single tyres replace duals and both SAF axles and the chassis under the trailer have been widened, resulting in improved stability and handling while offering a vastly smoother ride.

Unlike other transport companies we have taken the opinion that bigger is not always better and have kept the maximum capacity to 15 horses only and by doing so we are able to access more resting stops en route to optimise the well being of the horses. With 15 horses or less in a vehicle built to maximum permissible dimensions, every animal is assured sufficient space for a comfortable journey as well as enabling adequate staff access to to tend to each and every horse which we feel is paramount to monitor the horses condition in transit.
Carrying 15 or fewer is also manageable for a crew of 2 staff who are able to provide immediate and personal attention to each animal.

After years of continuous research and development it has become very obvious as to how much better each horse travels on our Mega Ark Fleet enabling us to guarantee your horse/s arrive at their destination in peak condition.